Mission and Vision

The Department of Electrical Engineering under the Faculty of Science & Engineering offers Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Electronic play a vital and in fact, indispensable role in all fields of modem human activities. Consequently, Electrical and Electronic Engineering have established itself as one of the most important branches of engineering. The technical aspects of this branch of engineering are often categorized by terms such as power systems, power electronics, control systems, telecommunication, electronic circuits, solid-state devices, and computer engineering, with increasing importance of computers, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering has been opened as a separate department, but all the students of Electrical and Electronic Engineering are requested to have a balanced knowledge of digital electronics, computers, microprocessors and programming. The new generation of electrical engineers is encouraged to undertaken research and development activities in the above areas and this department is committed to the study and analysis of fundamental as well as applied problems. Problems of national importance have consequently received great emphasis in the activities of this department. Problems in the fields of electric power generation. Transmission and distribution, high voltage transients, power system stability, economic operation of power systems, system planning, design. Throughout the study programs, considerable emphasis is placed on the development of a systematic procedure for analysis and design, and on the responsible use of technology.

Electrical and Electronic engineering encompasses a wide range of disciplines linked by a common thread: the use and control of electric, electronic, or electromagnetic energy. Electrical engineers are responsible for numerous areas of technology, including television, radio, and telephony; electronic appliances and entertainment systems; medical imaging; computers; radars; robotics; remote sensing; fiber-optic and photonic networks; semiconductor devices; and integrated circuits. The electrical engineering program prepares students for careers related to these critical areas of technology, and seeks to produce graduates who have:

  • a strong foundation in electrical engineering with an appropriate balance between theory and application
  • a wide repertoire of techniques and skills for the effective practice of modern electrical engineering
  • an integrated view of the sub-fields of electrical engineering
  • a broad education and ethical awareness to serve as responsible professionals
  • an ability to expand their knowledge to adapt to changes in technology etc


  • To produce a well-rounded and well-balanced graduate who can use Electrical and Electronic Engineering tools to solve a real-world problem.
  • To encourage the students to take up industry-specific projects
  • To train and educate students as Global Citizens
  • To use modern techniques in teaching and learning process